Breadth & Depth in Learning (Qi Gong)

benefits learning qi gong video vlog Oct 25, 2023

Did you know that development in anything we learn can be categorized into two dimensions?

The two factors that apply to learning Qi Gong, Kung Fu and anything else are breadth and depth.

I don’t want to give away too much upfront before watching the video.

Just so much: For ideal effects of your practice, it’s best if you progress in both dimensions, meaning that you learn various exercises and practice them diligently.


As we prioritize skills in Shaolin Wahnam and at the Shaolin Treasure House, my fundamental course “The Essence of Qi Gong” (or its German version "Die Essenz von Qi Gong") focuses more on depth to enable you to practice Qi Gong on a highly effective level right from the start.

Those who’ve laid a solid foundation (through the basic course or prior training with one of our Shaolin Wahnam instructors), can then advance to adding more variety by learning more exercises for specific needs and goals, like those of the “18 Lohan Hands”.

Future courses will further aid to your breadth and depth in Qi Gong.

Enjoy the video!

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